Tuesday, January 14, 2020

How to Get a Long-Term Schengen Visa?

Generally, you can extend your Schengen visa only if you have not stayed for more than 90 days in the past 180 days and if your current visa is not expired.
Getting a Long-Term Visa for a Specific Country Within the Schengen Zone
Apply for a long-term visa in France, Spain, Sweden, Italy or Germany. Research which country's long-term visa works best for the travel plans. For instance, some countries have longer application turnarounds than others. These visitor visas grant travel for one year at a time and while they don't require proof of study, they do require proof of sufficient funds. They want reassurance that the is no work being done illegally, so it is necessary to show proof that of self-support. No set amount is listed by any of these countries, but plan on having savings totaling at least a year's worth of the monthly expenses in the US.
Collect All Required Documents
Give ample time to collect all of the necessary documentation. Producing a hefty bank statement isn't the only issue at hand. The passport should be valid for the duration of the intended stay, and for some countries, it may be necessary to provide proof of good character, which can include everything from a letter of reference from an employer to a clean criminal record.
Make an Appointment
Make an appointment at the country's consulate. Applications for long-term visasrequire interviews and therefore can't be done via mail. Dress appropriately and leave tattered clothing or t-shirts with politically charged or offensive messages behind. Though such details may seem overly conservative, the fate of the long-term travel is ultimately up to the consulate official and a neutral appearance and compliant attitude may make all the difference between the rejection pile and a shiny, granted visa.
Student Visa
Applyto be a student if the application for a long-term visitor visa falls through. Enrolling in a language school may cost some money, but it could be the only hope for travel within the Schengen Zone beyond 90 days.
Items you will need
1.            Valid passport
2.            Application forms
3.            2 passport photos
4.            Financial statement
5.            Proof of health insurance
6.            Letters of reference
7.            Proof of clean criminal record

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