Friday, February 14, 2020

Why do I need a hotel reservation for visa applications?

You’ve planned your big trip — You know exactly where you want to go, what to see, and whom to meet. Everything has been planned in detail, and you haven’t left anything up to circumstances. Or have you?
Traveling these days is a lot different from what it used to be. Hearing stories of how others bribed the border patrols in Burma to travel the Golden Triangle or were starving with a stomach bug on a train trip through Europe makes anyone wish they were born 50 years ago; when traveling was a slower, present state of flow (or starvation). Not full of smartphones, Instagram-updates, flashpackers and…. PAPERWORK…
These days you need a visa to travel to most countries or continents, and the embassies require a lot of information from you; including a hotel reservation for visa applications. It takes the spontaneity, flexibility and not to mention FUN out of traveling. So how do you go about getting all the required documentation, including a hotel booking for visa applications without paying the full price or being denied the visa? Schengen visa flight reservation exists for this exact reason. We have been in your shoes, without finding any solution other than to actually book expensive flights, and that was even something the embassy did not recommend.
That’s why we created a Schengen visaflight reservation; a way for everyone to get their flight, hotel, train or bus itineraries for the price of a few cups of coffee. Contact us anytime on WhatsApp with any questions you might have about hotel reservations for visaapplications.
A quick Google search for “hotel reservations for visa applications” or the even more popular “flight reservationsfor visa applications” will give you a few different options:
           Just book a hotel (and lose the money if your trip plans change)
           Book a hotel and cancel the booking later (and lose money when you don’t remember to cancel 2 out of the 20 hotels you needed for your Euro-trip, or when you missed the small writing on the cancellation policies, or maybe you don’t own a credit card and can’t actually make the booking?)
           Make a fake booking in PhotoShop (and have your visa application denied when the Chinese embassy calls the hotel to verify your booking.)
When even the embassies themselves recommend NOT paying for any booking until after your visa is granted, how can you possibly get around the requirement of having hotel reservations for visa applications?
Click here to Read our Entire Articles on our blog page.or email us : to solve all your quries…

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