Thursday, September 10, 2020


In order to successfully make an application for a Schengen visa as an Indian passport holder and citizen from within India, you must be conversant with the process of acquiring one, the requirements that go with the process and the fees charged for the Schengen visa. This article will cover all there is in the process of applying for a Schengen visa as an Indian citizen.


Any Indian citizen and citizens of other countries legally living in India can apply for a Schengen visa in India. Indians living in other countries but legally present in the country may also apply for a Schengen visa in India if they can provide a competent reason why they cannot do in from the primary countries of residence.


There are many documents that are supposed to be provided to the Schengen visa issuing office in the embassy of a Schengen member country in India. The documents should be provided in full and within the period required for the process to begin. These documents are as follows;

1.       Download and fill the Schengen visa application form. This application form should be dully filled and the details provided in sincerity. If you so wish, you can fill the application form through electronic means before downloading and printing a hard copy of the same.

2.       Attach two passport size photos. These passport size photos should capture the whole face and be recently taken. The photos should be taken against a light clear background in the most professional manner. The photos should clearly show the face of the applicant from the chin to the top of the head. Additionally, the photo should be of high quality in order to allow for easy reproduction.

3.       Provide your government-issued travel passport together with all or any of your previously issued visa copies. The passport must have a validity of at least three months from the date of your travel from the last Schengen visa bloc country. Additionally, you should make sure that your travel passport has at least two blank pages where the visa may be attached once issued.

4.       Write and attach a personal cover letter. This should be a clear statement indicating your reasons for the visit and the itinerary you intend to take. It should be as elaborate as possible with clear steps and explanations.

5.       Take travel insurance: You should secure and provide proof of travel insurance for Schengen visa for Indian passport holders. This can be done on the internet by visiting credible travel insurance providers in India. For a travel insurance agency or company to qualify for this purpose, it should be able to provide medical cover of at least 30,000 Euros together with giving repatriation (evacuation) coverage.

6.       Provide flight reservation: You should provide a clear flight reservation itinerary with dates, flight numbers, with specific times of entry into and exits from Schengen state or states. These should be clear and as elaborate as possible. You should also make sure that the details captured here are in line with part of what is on the cover statement provided.

7.       Provide accommodation: You should provide proof of reserved accommodation for the entire period that you intend to stay in the Schengen country or countries. The accommodation details provided should be of reputable places.

8.       Provide civil documents depending on your travel circumstances. These civil documents may include marriage certificates, death certificates of the dead spouse, birth certificates of children, and or any other documents that may be needed (for example affidavits) in case there is an issue that calls for such.

9.       Documents showing proof of financial capability that can cater for the period of stay in the Schengen country or countries. This is to ensure that you will be financially capable of supporting your stay in the country or countries you intend to visit. (these documents are usually in form of bank statements for the last six months).

There are other documents that you should provide depending on your personal circumstances and the reasons for your travel. These documents are based on the following criteria;

        If you are in formal employment, you should also provide your employment contract, permission of leave from the employer, your current statements from the bank showing not less than six months (remember that online bank statements are not recognized here), and your Income Tax Return or your certificate of Income Tax deducted from your salary.

        If you are in self-employment, you should attach a copy of your Indian business license. Additionally, you should ensure that you have provided your business bank statements for the last six months to show your business financial health. You should also provide your business Income Tax Return.

        In case you are already retired and had been in a formal employment, you should provide your pension statements for the last six months.

        If you are traveling from India to Schengen country as a student, you should provide proof of enrollment in a recognized institution, a letter of acceptance and a no objection letter from the educational institution.

        For all categories of persons, and if applicable, you should provide proof of income that is generated by a property that you own by providing bank statements for the last six months. This property may be anything that provides regular income such as rental houses and apartments.

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