Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Why You Should Buy a Travel Insurance before Going on Vacation?

Whether we are travelling overseas or within the country, having a travel insurance policy could save us from many hassles.

A travel involves a lot of planning in advance. There is ticket to be booked, accommodation to arranged, and bags to be packed, and so on and so forth. However, there is one thing we usually tend to miss. That is a travel insurance policy, and the simple reason for it is that we often do not understand its significance.

Hence, it becomes all the more important to ask ourselves whether we really need to buy a travel insurance cover or not.

A travel insurance essentially offers the insured person protection against different risks associated with travel. You can buy one both for domestic and foreign travel.

That said, choosing the right travel insurance is also very important.

Here are some of the risks that a travel insurance policy covers:

Medical/accident cover: This is for expenses incurred due to any medical emergency or accident during the trip. Travel insurance takes care of such eventualities up to a specified limit. This insurance takes care of both in-patient and out-patient hospitalisation expenses. There are also some policies that provide a daily cash allowance in case you are hospitalised. In case of any emergency, it would also cover the cost of transportation to the nearest town or your hometown. When you are travelling in a foreign country, the medical cost tends to be pretty high. Travel insurance comes handy in such cases. There are also other health risks associated with travel, which are covered by a travel insurance policy.

Flight cancellations and delays: There could arise instances of flight cancellations or delays due to bad weather. You may sometimes even miss a connecting flight. Travel insurance covers your expenses for such occasions. The coverage includes cost of re-scheduling flights, as well as the cost of food and hotel stay for the period of the delay.

Loss of passport: When you are travelling overseas, loss of passport could lead to unnecessary hassles and expenses. Foreign travel insurance usually covers such expenses and saves you from trouble.

When travelling abroad, losing your passport might cause needless complications and costs.

Delay or loss of luggage: While travelling overseas, or even within the country, your check-in luggage might get lost or misplaced. Most airlines usually takes care of these. A travel insurance policy will cover the loss of baggage or misplacement, and also provide you with an amount to spend on buying essentials.

Personal liability: In case there is an accidental damage to a third-party property, you would have to pay for it; your travel insurance would cover for you.

Hotel extension: In case, there is a crisis situation and you have to extend your travel or your duration of stay, your travel insurance will take care of the cost for the extended stay in such cases.

Considering all these benefits, a travel insurance is indeed an absolute necessity that could well protect you and your family financially while travelling.

Additionally, if you are looking for affordable Travel Insurance provider then give it a try Schengen Visa Itinerary. They are offering flight reservation for visa, hotel booking at your destinations and travel insurance for any Schengen visa country.


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