Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Importance of the Hotel Reservation for Your Schengen Visa Application


Your hotel reservations are important supporting documents demanded by the Visa officers to determine that an applicant has accommodation in the destined Schengen country.

These documents are extremely important for your Visa application for the following reasons:

It proves that you are able to sustain yourself during the course of your stay in the Schengen Region

The Visa officers need proof that you have enough means of subsistence and are able to cover all of your expenses during your trip to the Schengen Region.

Your hotel reservation shows strong evidence that you can sustain yourself while travelling through the Schengen Region and you won’t be a burden for the Schengen countries.

Of course, they will also need additional proof that you can afford to cover all of the other expenses during your trip, such as your last 6 months of bank statements and various employment documents indicating your salary – Your last 6 months payslips or salary slips, your employment contract, or the Certificate of Employment (COE) from your employer. 

Hotel Reservations bring additional proof of your travel dates and duration of stay

The main purpose of the Embassy/Consulate officers is to ensure you won’t overstay within the Schengen countries.

Their duty is to check your travel dates and your duration of stay and ensure that they match all of the documents you provide, such as your airline reservations or the approved leave of absence from your employer.

For example, if you plan on spending 20 days in the Schengen Region you must submit hotel reservations that show you will have accommodation for the entire time, meaning all of the 19 nights – This is because when you count the number of days you are going to spend in the Schengen Area you must add the day of arrival and the day of departure as well. The day you arrive in the Schengen Region you will definitely need accommodation but this won’t be necessary the day you exit the Region.

To make a Hotel Booking without paying the price you could use the services of Schengen Visa Itinerary. We also offer Flight Reservation and affordable Travel Insurance to complete your visa requirements.



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