Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Schengen Visa Tips: Applying for Schengen Visa

There is no way to guarantee visa approval, as things depend on a number of factors. But being prepared definitely helps. We have experienced that if we are applying for visa with a single entry for a specified duration – our visa is approved with those exact dates (usually no buffer). When we applied for multiple entry, with specified dates, we received a 90-visa stamp.

Here are some of the useful tips for your Schengen Visa application –

1.         Review the General Schengen Visa Requirements (The information is same as what is highlighted on this post. But if you are curious, here is the website)

2.         Visit and review the MAIN country’s consulate website. When in doubt, call them

3.         Keep in mind, different countries have different requirements for supporting documents. Some consulates require you to take a leave letter from your employer or submit tax returns (notice of assessments) or 3 months of bank statements, marriage certificate, etc.

4.         Check the consulate requirement, do you have to submit online or do you fill out the application on paper or on it is a fillable pdf form?

5.         Follow the checklist and gather all documents. Include your identification documents – like your work permit or permanent resident card, if applicable in your country of residence.

6.         Check your Passport – it SHOULD be valid for at-least 3 months, AFTER your RETURN (it is in CAPS for a reason)

7.         Photo specifications – your Passport photos and Schengen photo specifications are different. Please carry the photo specs with you, when you have your pictures taken (bright white background is unacceptable and they prefer off white or light grey background and not every photo studio might have those, so double check)

8.         Offer of employment – Read this as “confirmation of employment”, meaning a letter from your employer (with company letter-head), stating your position, salary and start date with the company. The letter is valid for 90 days only

9.         Financial statements are also valid for 90 days, dated and stamped by the bank. It must include your name and address along with a summary of accounts

10.       If you have been approved for Visa in the past, please include that in your application

11.       Most consulates will and can request your presence in the Consulate office (inside or outside of Canada), if the bio-metrics are not available or if the quality is poor. So be prepared to visit in person.

12.       If you do not have a visa office nearby, try changing your Schengen visa itinerary and see if you can visit another country whose consulate office is located near your place of residence.

13.       Visa processing time-line – Depending on the season, resources available at the consulate, sometimes the visa processing could take 30 or 60 days (instead of the usual 15 days). So always check the consulate’s website before you submit. They do not have a rush procedure, but usually they are pretty good in processing visas before your actual travel date.

14.       We recommend reviewing the checklist on the Netherlands Consulate website. It is very detailed and useful.

15.       If you follow all the instructions that are listed on the Schengen site diligently including booking your flights, hotels and have an itinerary plan, your Visa will be processed successfully. You will hear about your Visa results in about 15 days. Good Luck!

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