Thursday, October 8, 2020

How to Make Flight Itinerary for Every Trip You Take

Making a travel itinerary may sound like a completely trivial, waste-of-my-precious-time task to complete before you travel, but hear us out--a customized travel itinerary is awesome. It lays out every piece of information you may need on your trip so you're never left hunting around looking for an address or a phone number. This means you can spend more time exploring or relaxing and less time trying to organize yourself.

Simply put, an itinerary house all of the information you may ever need while on your trip in the same place. Here's how to get started:

        First, gather all of the info you may need: flights, hotels day trip info, etc.

        You can create your itinerary by hand if you must, but a digital version is easier. This way you can copy and paste hotel addresses and flight numbers without fear of reversing a number or missing part of an address or reversing a number.

        Next, start filling in day-by-day with any info you may need (see below)

        Once you're done adding your information, it's time to save your itinerary in a place you can easily access it. You can email it to yourself, but other good places to save it are in your Evernote, your Drop Box or even just saved as note on your smartphone.

        BUT, remember that sometimes smartphones die and we don't always have access to Wi-Fi--especially when traveling. This is where the hard copy comes in.

        Print a copy for yourself and store it with your boarding passes, maps or anything else you'd normally access together with flight details and hotel addresses.

        If it's an especially long trip you may want to make an extra copy to leave with a trusted relative, neighbour or friend. But think carefully. Don't go handing this out to anyone you don't completely trust.

How about the best way to store your itinerary while traveling? The easiest way is to store it in a clear plastic sleeve with any accompanying documentation like receipts, boarding passes, and tickets. The itinerary always goes on top with the information listed below, followed by the accompanying documents.

Creating an itinerary for your visa will give you peace of mind and simplify your travel routine:

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