Friday, June 12, 2020

Is Schengen Visa Travel Insurance Needed? Why do you need travel insurance for visa application?

Although many people don’t initially think of getting visitors insurance when going on a trip, it is extremely worthwhile in the long run. It’s easy to think “why should I get Schengen visa travel insurance, what could possibly go wrong” until something does go wrong, and you find yourself with a hefty bill in case travel medical insurance was not purchased. If you need a Schengen visa for your trip you may find that you have to get Schengen visa travel insurance in order for your application to be accepted. But what if you purchase insurance and your visa application gets rejected, what happens then? Throughout this post, we will explain exactly what you need to get, how to purchase travel medical insurance for visa application and how it works.

Travel insurance:

Travel insurance or travel medical insurance is a policy that you purchase prior to traveling that, in the unlikely event of you landing in the hospital or at the doctors, your fees will be covered by your travel insurance policy or travel medical insurance. Rather than you having to pay the bill, the company in which you bought your policy through, pays it. Depending on the type of policy you purchase you could be covered for more than just medical fees. Mosttravel medical insurance policies also cover a selection of travel disruptionsas well as medical needs, the following are the likely areas that a visitor’s insurance policy would cover you for

           Airline cancellation

           Lost baggage

           Flight cancellation due to weather

           Accidental death/injury

           Stolen travel documents

           Hospital fees

           Medicine costs

           Emergency Evacuation

Why do you need travel insurance for visa application?
There are many documents that are needed for a visa application, in most cases travel medical insurance is one of them. The embassies need to see proof that you will be covered whilst you are away as fees and medical bills can easily run into the thousands and tens of thousands of pounds very easily. If you are not covered and do not pay your outstanding medical fees then the authorities will have to spend a lot of time, money and resources to track you down as well as the hospital being at a loss.

Things you should know about visitor’s insurance for visa

Whenapplying for travel insurance for visa you will need to disclose any healthconditions e.g. cancer, diabetes, asthma, etc this will then ensure you receive the correct insurance policy that will fully cover you. You may find that, if you do have a health condition, your insurance cover will be more expensive. This is because you have a higher chance of needing medical assistance during your trip. If you purchase travel medical insurance and do not disclose any medical conditions that you are aware of, your insurance will become invalid if you result in needing medical treatment. You will end up having to pay the bill and you will not be covered by your travel insurance. Most policies will cover pregnancy in the first trimester as long as your doctor has deemed you safe for flying.

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